
Hello there!

Let’s start off by pointing out the fact that I am not a beauty/health pro by any means. I just happen to find an interest in it and have spent a ridiculous amount of time watching YouTube videos over the years where I’ve learned a ton of tips and tricks.

Like most girls, my everyday makeup “routine” back in the day consisted solely of that good ole bottom eyeliner – coloured in extra thick if it was a special occasion. *cue horror film sound effect *  After lots of trial and error (emphasis on the error), I ain’t half bad with makeup. It’s just a lot of fun playing around with it and testing out beauty regimens.

This whole health kick I’m on (and fall off of from time-to-time …shh) is pretty recent actually. It wasn’t until I finished school and had more time/money on my hands that I dipped into health foods and routines. Still in the progress and learning and experimenting so it’s just that – a learning experience.

So, that’s kind of what this blog will venture into; anything that brings about self-improvement and other awesome stuff.

- Amy